How Hololens App can help the Real Estate Industry | Develop Hololens App

How HoloLens is fostering growth in the real estate industry

How HoloLens is fostering growth in the real estate industry
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Real estate agents have to manage the time taken to go from one visit to the other, dealing with traffic, etc. For a realtor, preparing an open house, taking and editing photos of the property, and finally showing them to the clients can be time consuming.

The real estate agents never like to hear the customers say, “It doesn’t look like the pictures.” Sometimes pictures can’t quite do a place justice. A photo only captures one perspective, and even then rooms look larger or smaller depending on the angle.

Moreover, if there are any changes in the model or the construction plan, the agent has to update the customers. This again creates another challenge of going to and fro to the site along with the prospects to show them the changed layout.

How HoloLens can help the real estate industry

Microsoft HoloLens helps users to place and interact with 3D holograms of the properties in the physical environment. It provides a mixed-reality experience for a range of commercial and consumer applications. HoloLens extends the interaction with 3D displays beyond the confines of 2D models, creating new ways for real estate agents to visualize, share ideas, and manage change.

Show Homes Remotely

For remote customers, HoloLens can provide an added benefit. The realtors can provide the customers with a guided tour that point out specifics of a particular property’s amenities or standout features. Also, if needed, the prospects can ask questions to their real estate agent, virtually. Interested buyers can click through rooms to gain a clearer perspective on what’s being offered.



360 degree view

A video produced and shot in 360 degree viewpoint is an enhancement of a typical promotional video. A 360 degree viewing of the property works wonders for existing projects. For properties still in construction, HoloLens app for real estate industry will be a groundbreaking solution for real estate agents, as they will be able to provide a 360 degree view of the unfinished projects. Moreover, it can be used to provide an emotional response, which emphasizes on the narration. It is a great way to be more transparent with your property, satisfying those who wish to see it in real life.

Interactive Virtual Visits

Statistics from show that listings with virtual tours get clicked on 40% more than listings without virtual tours.

To take virtual visits to the next level, the experience can be made interactive through movement determined by the user. HoloLens, when integrated with Microsoft Cognitive APIs (Vision, Emotion, and Speech) can make the device more intelligent. With HoloLens, the whole MR experience achieves an emotional connection with the prospects. A realtor can give the buyer a 360-degree virtual walkthrough using a HoloLens application. The customers get deeply immersed in the ambience and experience of the space. The experience starts with displaying delight, igniting creativity, and ultimately giving a sense of satisfaction about a decision well-made.

Interactive Virtual

Easy customization

You can also allow the buyer to make changes to the furniture, color of the walls, change the tiles and other such customizations as an add-on. This will allow them to see how the property will look based on their choices. This way the buyer will be able to make a better decision. Developing HoloLens app for real estate industry allows the estate developers to replace costly show homes, scale models, and printed collateral. It eliminates the additional cost occurred due to redesigning and remaking the models when the concept changes.

Benefits of Mixed reality in Property management

HoloLens allows the customers to view several properties in a fraction of the time it previously took them to. The real estate agents can simultaneously take care of several customers on several virtual fronts. This enables the sales and acquisitions closing much faster than in the past.

The benefits of HoloLens app for real estate industry for the realtor are translated into:

  • Increased conversion rates
  • Time and cost savings
  • Resource savings
  • Increased viewings
  • Fast time to market properties under development
  • International exposure
  • Customer satisfaction

Final Insights

Real estate development firm Skanska partnered with Microsoft to leverage HoloLens to create a guided holographic tour of the project known as 2+U. It is used for the ‘world’s first holographic real estate leasing center,’ at the Second Avenue and University Street in downtown Seattle.

Real estate agents face real challenges in helping their engineers and prospective clients to view things realistically. You can get a better sense of the depth and scope of a space through HoloLens. If you are having difficulty imagining large construction overhauls, HoloLens will let you see how the changes will translate into reality.

We have in-house experts that can help you with HoloLens app development. Our engineers’ experience with HoloLens and AR can take you beyond the proofs of concept. We can help you create unique HoloLens experiences for Microsoft HoloLens and Windows MR.

To know more about adapting HoloLens for your real estate business, contact our experts.

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