Softweb Solutions Inc.

Case Study


Intranet Portal for the Employees of a Heart Devices Company

HeartWare is a medical devices company that delivers transformative therapies which help patients with heart failure lead healthy and productive lives. The company’s flagship product is the Ventricular Assist System featuring the HVAD Pump which has saved over 4,000 lives so far. The company wanted an intranet portal to achieve better co-ordination between their various departments. Softweb Solutions created a SharePoint-based intranet portal for the company.

“Today’s intranet portals are at the epicenter of the enterprise universe. They provide utility and usability, featuring all or most necessities for employees’ success.”Nngroup

The website has the following features

  • It now gives the company the ability to carry out its internal operations efficiently.
  • Provides all the company related information to the employees.
  • It also keeps a record of all employee information for internal use.
  • Sharing news is possible on a single platform, which reaches the whole group of employees.

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